These are a few pics of our bowling alley. This is the oldest bowling alley equipment in the world. The pins must be reset by hand, therefore in order for both lanes to be up and running there must be two pinsetters, otherwise someone is in for a great leg workout.
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Hey Jaybird,
Nice shots, but once again, I ask that you show some actual people having fun, doing things down there!
I find it hard to believe that there are people bowling in Antarctica, but there are. When I was a kid that place seemed completely uninhabitable, like the moon or Mars. I teach fifth grade and would like to share this blog with my students, is there ever anything not appropriate for ten year olds?
To Mr. Kimmi,
As the author of this blog, I have started this blog for my sister who also are teachers so they can show their students about antarctica. I can assure you that this blog is a children friendly blog. Feel free to share it with students and friends.
Yutarets! kasagad bah!
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