Saturday, May 31, 2008

Morning at the VMF...

Here's a small time-lapse video that one of the guys from the heavy shop put together and shared on our common drive.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Stars and auroras at pegasus

These are a few pictures from Pegasus Airfield. Since there are no flights coming or leaving the station the airfield is somewhat barren except for the few heavy equipment workers who groom the airfield daily to keep it smooth and ready for the next flight that comes in september.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Bowling Alley...

These are a few pics of our bowling alley. This is the oldest bowling alley equipment in the world. The pins must be reset by hand, therefore in order for both lanes to be up and running there must be two pinsetters, otherwise someone is in for a great leg workout.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Today's Weather Forecast

Here's a quick view of the weather. Lots of blowing snow and low visibility. Winter is really here.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The smurf hut...

Earlier on this week one of the small smurf huts at our airfield (pegasus) somehow cought on fire.
Firefighters were call to the scene but to no avail, the burning flames were too much for the smurf hut to handle.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Hut Point, Start, and Auroras...

This neat little time lapse was captured by a friend of mine, James. He used a 8mm lens camera that give you a 180 degree view, by 360 degree view. You have to look very closely, but you can see the horizon wrapped around the bottom of the lens and it comes together towards the top of the lens, you then have to look even closer to see Orion's belt at the start of the video, then i'm not sure i'll get the order correct, but i think it's the southern cross in the center, then scorpio around the horizon, then in the center again you should see the milky way. You can also see a few auroras through out the video and a small patch of clouds towards the end. enjoy.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Kitchen and Crew...

In trying to answer questions and requests, i have taken a few pictures of the galley crew 2008 for my friend Ian who ask me for some pictures of myself and my co-workers.

Monday, May 5, 2008

More Pics from the greenhouse..

These are more pictures from the greenhouse. First are close up pics of some tomatoes, then some pics of the inside of the tomato rows, then an outside pic of the tomatoes and some lettuce then some pics of some of the swiss chards.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Flowers and tomatoes...

These are a few recent pictures that i took from the greenhouse. First one is some Nasturtium flowers, then we have some cherry tomatoes, then some lovely basil, and last but not least some zanias flowers.