Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Accident...

This week, As our SAR team was out conducting a search in condition one weather at night time, the terrain became very unpredictable and varied. As one of the drivers was driving on a snow bank it gave way and collapse under the passenger side causing the Hagglund to fall over on it's side. The driver and the passengers inside the vehicle excaped without injuries or bruises. They then had to set up camp and wait until the next afternoon when the weather cleared for someone to go back out and get them.


Anonymous said...

Two, I'm now cold. Two, I'm just as paranoid to drive in the snow as any other time!

Great photos nonetheless.

~A. Elaine

Alexi Frest said...

Nice photos - by the way I respect you for your bravery; I am not sure I would dare to travel like this...

Anonymous said...

May said...

Great blog and very interesting. I just read all of it.
I was always curious how it is to be in Antarctica.
Well done and keep it up :)

Ricky Bush said...

Wow! What an environment you're in dude. Looks like an incredulous adventure/experience. I'm a high school world geography teacher and I'll share this tale with my students (until I retire at the end of May). Hey! I applaud you for your new found musical interest in learning the bass--think you'll have a blast. Check out some blues bottom end to hang on to-I'm blogging a bit about my musical journey.Hang ten, or no, you just better hang on in that landscape.

Arjun said...

grats on blog of note! and wow nice cold:D

Anonymous said...

Cool man! Good photos and interesting "Drama"
Why don't kids here about this stuff in school?

Check out the new fun site aswell,
constant updates, and a guide to everything!

Priya.Naik said...

My first response: Good heavens! I live in New Delhi and in the mild winters here, I feel like curling up and dying. I dont want to imagine what its like there.

Secondly. am studying geography, and had come across the phenomenon of aureala bourolis (i know I ve spelt it wrong) was reassuring to know that it occurs alright. I was unprepared for its beauty though....

Galinka said...


Anonymous said...

hai nice photos for internet helps pls visit my blog

Anonymous said...

Chama o Guincho !!!

Unknown said...

nice to find you, we are probably worlds apart but still good to share:)

Matt said...

Great blog, makes me want to go there even less!

Anonymous said...

Honestly, it makes me want to visit it even more.

Loving this site. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Your amazing!

Unknown said...

hi.. may i know were do this accident occured?? I mean, the specific place in antartica...

Sanjay Jung said...

wow! amazing..

jasondeierlein said...

I'm expecting an awesome post for Earth Day on Tuesday.

bestbroker said...

Good to hear no one was hurt, I bet that was one COLD night waiting for the rescue team!

Badadam said...

Good thing you were all padded up for the cold. THe insulation probably saved a few bumps and bruises.

Scott Berish, Owner, Liberty Optics LLC said...

I was there for 5 months 20 years ago. what a great (if not wild) time!! Who handles the civilian contract for sending folks down there now? Let me know!