Sunday, March 30, 2008
Playing in the band...
Friday, March 21, 2008
Greenhouse--Tomato and Cucumber room..
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
My Greenhouse..
This is a Small video of what i would like to call my office but is actually the herb room in the greenhouse here at Mcmurdo station. You can see Mint, Nasturtuims(but not yet flowering),Pansies, Zannias, thyme, chives, cilantro, cherry tomatoes and a few other herbs. It's nice to have the one job on station that is full of live plants, flowers and the smell of fresh herbs.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Yesterday's sunset...
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The Dry Vallies...

The McMurdo Dry Valleys are a row of valleys in Antarctica located within Victoria Land west of McMurdo Sound. The region includes many interesting geological features including Lake Vida and the Onyx River, Antarctica's longest river. It is also one of the world's most extreme deserts.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Black Island...
Black Island is about 25 miles due south of McMurdo (78°7′S, 166°8′E) and is fairly easy to reach (if you have a helicopter). Otherwise it's a 7 hour drive over treacherous and bumpy frozen ice, travelling over McMurdo Sound. On a clear day, you can just see it as a tiny dot on the horizon from McMurdo. It's one of the most important facilities in the area though. Communications signals from McMurdo bounce off the satellite dish at Black Island and up to space, coming down at Brewster WA. This process is reversed for incoming communications. This includes phone, several types of radio, television, email, internet...the whole works. We are far enough north that we can "see" the correct communications satellites on the horizon, while the South Pole, which is 800 miles farther south, is out of these satellites' range. So when something goes wrong at Black Island, it takes us back to the old days in a hurry.
This article was written and published by my good friend Tom Hamann. For other articles by tom as well as his blog, please visit:
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Whales on the move...
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Last Flight...............
Penguins and orcas...
These are just a few images that came from our common drive.
Penguins diving into the waters, A penguin and an orca, orca swimming in the open channel, Penguins playing on ice.